Violin Repertoire 4 2021 Edition
Violin Repertoire 4 includes Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and 20th- and 21st-century selections of Johann Sebastian Bach, Natalya Backlanova, Ethel Barns, Harold Birston, Arcangelo Corelli, Franz Joseph Haydn, Ferdinand Küchler, Jacques Féréol Mazas, Eduard Mollenhauer, Yoshinao Nakada, Charlotte Ruegger, Arnaldo Sartorio, and Gerry Thornton. Level 4 introduces new aural challenges with tempo fluctuations and harmonic modulations, while exploring compound meters, syncopation, and hemiola. This book encourages performers to be flexible, as it expands upon hand-frames with extensions, fourth-position fluency, and fingered double stops, while the bow develops stylistic applications of articulations, including off-string strokes.