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Primer Level Lesson Book CD 2nd Edition Piano Adventures

Orchestrations by David Andruss This compact disc contains orchestrated background accompaniments for the pieces in the 2nd Edition Primer Level Lesson Book. Teachers and students will be delighted by newly orchestrated background accompaniments, improvisation opportunities, and the variety of musical textures. Each selection in the book is played twice: first at a slow practice tempo and then at performance tempo. The piano part is included in the slow track. For the performance track, the piano part is omitted or is in the background, allowing the student to be the featured performer. Songs include: The Old Clock - I Hear the Echo - The Escalator - Men from Mars - Sea Story - Best Friends - Mister Bluebird -The Dance Band - Frogs on Logs - Copy Cat - Bells of Great Britain and more. The Enhanced CD also includes standard MIDI files that can be accessed with a computer. When used with your software, keyboard, or synthesizer, the MIDI files allow you to adjust tempos, isolate track playbacks, and transpose to different keys. Special bonus: MIDI files for the Piano Adventures Primer Level Performance Book and the Primer Level Technique & Artistry Book are also included on this CD.

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